If you or someone you love was recently involved in a car accident, it is understandable to have questions. Filing an injury claim is something most people do not have any experience with. The worry of making the wrong move could limit your ability to recover fair compensation for the injury suffered.
The Williams Litigation Group understands how difficult and challenging the time after a motor vehicle collision is. Our attorneys focus on working closely with our clients to fully understand their case and develop a plan that aims to secure full compensation for their injuries.
Our practice has developed a reputation as a skilled and aggressive trial law firm. Insurance companies understand that we are willing to take a case to court if necessary. This often allows us to negotiate favorable settlements on behalf of our clients injured in car and semitruck accidents throughout Georgia.
Commonly Asked Questions About Car Accidents
When meeting with clients in our Brunswick office following a motor vehicle crash, we hear a lot of different questions. Below are the answers to those questions that are most frequently asked:
- How long will it take until I recover compensation? There is no set deadline for how long it may take to resolve your case. Some can be settled quickly in a couple of weeks. Others that require litigation could last several months.
- Should I accept an auto accident settlement? A settlement offers guaranteed compensation. The amount received from a settlement will be less than if an injured driver is successful in court. It takes a thoughtful analysis of your case to ultimately determine whether someone should pursue litigation or accept the offered settlement.
- Do I need an attorney? Insurance companies primarily focus on their own bottom line. While you may be able to resolve your case without the guidance of an attorney, you put yourself at a greater risk of leaving compensation on the table. Our firm has more than 30 years of combined experience negotiating directly with insurance companies for our clients.
Answers To All Your Questions
You likely still have questions about your case or how you should move forward with your injury claim. Our lawyers foster a compassionate atmosphere so you can feel comfortable asking us about the questions and concerns you have about your case.
We invite you to schedule an initial case review by contacting us online or by calling us toll free at 866-214-7036.